@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ dbot.version : Module to track version and changelog information and update the
date_written="2017-08-12 08:45:15"
version="2.0047 "
version="2.0048 "
<description trim= "y" >
< ![CDATA[
@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ function inv.cli.analyzeCR()
local endTag = inv.cli.analyzePkg.endTag
dbot.info("Performing equipment analysis for priority \"@C" .. priorityName .. "@W\"...")
dbot.info("This analysis could take up to a minute on a slow system . Be patient!\n")
dbot.info("This analysis can potentially take several minutes . Be patient!\n")
local resultData = dbot.callback.new()
retval = inv.analyze.sets(priorityName, 1 + tierLevel, resultData, intensity)
@ -14092,7 +14092,7 @@ inv.set.createAndWearPkg = nil
-- We spend more time trying to find optimal sets if we are only looking at one set instead of
-- a full analysis of 200 sets. The equipment search will be more rigorous at higher intensities.
inv.set.analyzeIntensity = 8
inv.set.createIntensity = 20
inv.set.createIntensity = 16
function inv.set.init.atActive()
@ -14177,14 +14177,6 @@ function inv.set.create(priorityName, level, synchronous, intensity)
synchronous = drlAsynchronous
end -- if
-- This is a rather ugly kludge. Checking if the char can access the dual wield skill is currently
-- the only reason (other than getting current stats) we might need to run asynchronously in a co-routine.
-- If we have already cached whether or not the ability is available, we can potentially run the set
-- creation synchronously. If we haven't cached if the ability is available, we must go asynchronous.
if (dbot.ability.isCached("dual wield", level) == false) then
synchronous = drlAsynchronous
end -- if
-- Check if the specified priority exists for the specified level
priorityTable, retval = inv.priority.get(priorityName, level)
if (priorityTable == nil) then
@ -14303,7 +14295,7 @@ function inv.set.createCR()
local wearLoc
local itemStruct
dbot.debug("Updating set based on handicap")
dbot.debug("Updating set based on handicap on iteration " .. numIters )
for wearLoc,itemStruct in pairs(newSet) do
if (bestSet ~= nil) and (bestSet[wearLoc] ~= nil) and (bestSet[wearLoc].id ~= itemStruct.id) then
@ -14341,6 +14333,11 @@ function inv.set.createCR()
dbot.debug("Breaking out of inv.set.createCR, looped over handicap " .. numIters .. " times")
end -- if
-- Yield periodically so we don't appear to hang the system
if (numIters % 3 == 0) then
end -- if
until (score < (bestScore * 0.8)) -- Let things anneal a bit, but cut it off if we are < x % o f p r e v i o u s b e s t
-- Some items can be worn in multiple locations (e.g., a ring could be on "lfinger" or "rfinger" or
@ -14425,6 +14422,7 @@ function inv.set.createWithHandicap(priorityName, level, handicap)
local objWearable = inv.items.getStatField(objId, invStatFieldWearable) or ""
local objWeight = tonumber(inv.items.getStatField(objId, invStatFieldWeight) or 0)
local objDamType = inv.items.getStatField(objId, invStatFieldDamType) or ""
local objWeaponType = inv.items.getStatField(objId, invStatFieldWeaponType) or ""
-- Strip out commas in the flags to make searching easier
local objFlags = inv.items.getStatField(objId, invStatFieldFlags) or ""
@ -14457,6 +14455,12 @@ function inv.set.createWithHandicap(priorityName, level, handicap)
(not inv.priority.damTypeIsAllowed(objDamType, priorityName, level)) then
-- Skip the current object because it is a weapon with a damtype we don't want
-- Check if the weapon type is one that the player can use
elseif (objWeaponType ~= nil) and (objWeaponType ~= "") and (not dbot.wish.has("Weapons")) and
(not dbot.ability.isAvailable(objWeaponType, level)) then
dbot.debug("Skipping " .. objWeaponType .. " (" .. objId .. ") -- weapon skill not available")
-- Skip the current weapon because the player can't use it
-- The alignment is acceptable, the item isn't ignored, and it doesn't use a disallowed
-- damage type. Whew. Check the other requirements...
elseif (objWearable ~= nil) and (objWearable ~= "") and (inv.wearables[objWearable] ~= nil) then
@ -14502,10 +14506,6 @@ function inv.set.createWithHandicap(priorityName, level, handicap)
-- Check if the char has access to dual weapons at this level by checking the char's
-- class and checking if aard gloves are in the set
-- If the ability is not cached, this will need to be called asynchronously so that we can
-- call "showskill" and see at what level the ability is available. If the ability is cached
-- then we can run this synchronously if we wish.
local dualWieldAvailable = dbot.ability.isAvailable("dual wield", level)
-- Check if the set has aard gloves in it. If so, we automatically have access to dual wield :)
@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ function inv.set.wear(equipSet)
-- the equipment (if any) that is already equipped at that location. However, some locations
-- are incompatible with each other and we may be forced to store an item to avoid a conflict.
-- For example, if a set does not have anything at the "second" location but it does include
-- a "hold" or "shield" item, them we don't have any choice. We must store the item that
-- a "hold" or "shield" item, then we don't have any choice. We must store the item that
-- previously was at the "second" location. The code below loops through all items to find
-- all currently equipped items and then stores anything that would be incompatible with the
-- new set.
@ -18888,7 +18888,7 @@ dbot.init.initializedInstall = false
dbot.init.initializedActive = false
-- storage should be first (to create state directories) and gmcp should be last (so we can save data)
dbot.modules = "storage emptyLine backup notify ability prompt invmon wish execute pagesize gmcp"
dbot.modules = "storage emptyLine backup notify prompt invmon wish execute pagesize gmcp"
function dbot.init.atInstall()
@ -21380,58 +21380,39 @@ invmon.typeStr[invmonTypeRunestone] = "Runestone"
-- dbot.ability: Module to check if a character has access to a specific skill or spell
-- dbot.ability.init.atInstall()
-- dbot.ability.fini(doSaveState)
-- Note: Previous releases used a complicated caching scheme based on the output of the showskill
-- command. However, aard has now implemented a way to provide a class list via gmcp and
-- that is what we now do.
-- dbot.ability.isAvailable
-- dbot.ability.isCached
-- dbot.ability.trigger.haveAbilityStart
-- dbot.ability.trigger.haveAbilityLevel
-- dbot.ability.setupFn() -- enable the ability trigger during a safe execute call
-- This function can block so it must be called from a co-routine
dbot.ability = {}
dbot.abilityPkg = {}
dbot.ability.init = {}
dbot.ability.trigger = {}
dbot.ability.isInProgress = false
dbot.ability.trigger.startName = "drlDbotAbilityTriggerStart"
dbot.ability.trigger.levelName = "drlDbotAbilityTriggerLevel"
function dbot.ability.init.atInstall()
local retval = DRL_RET_SUCCESS
-- Trigger on the output of "showskill" and watch for an empty line indicating that we are done
check (AddTriggerEx(dbot.ability.trigger.levelName,
"^(.*)$", -- This is only enabled when we confirm we have started the output
drlTriggerFlagsBaseline + trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput,
0, "", "", sendto.script, 0))
check (EnableTrigger(dbot.ability.trigger.levelName, false)) -- default to off
return retval
end -- dbot.ability.init.atInstall
function dbot.ability.fini(doSaveState)
local retval = DRL_RET_SUCCESS
-- NOTE: if we ever add persistent data to this module we should use the doSaveState param to determine
-- if we need to save it
return retval
end -- dbot.ability.fini
-- Aard's gmcp implementation numbers each class from 0-6. Use the text name here for easier debugging.
dbot.ability.classes = {}
dbot.ability.classes["0"] = "mag"
dbot.ability.classes["1"] = "cle"
dbot.ability.classes["2"] = "thi"
dbot.ability.classes["3"] = "war"
dbot.ability.classes["4"] = "ran"
dbot.ability.classes["5"] = "pal"
dbot.ability.classes["6"] = "psi"
dbot.ability.table = {}
dbot.ability.table["dual wield"] = { mag = 201, cle = 201, thi = 29, war = 32, ran = 25, pal = 35, psi = 201 }
dbot.ability.table["axe"] = { mag = nil, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = 2, ran = 1, pal = nil, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["bow"] = { mag = nil, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = nil, ran = 1, pal = nil, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["dagger"] = { mag = 1, cle = nil, thi = 1, war = 4, ran = 5, pal = nil, psi = 10 }
dbot.ability.table["flail"] = { mag = nil, cle = 5, thi = nil, war = 7, ran = nil, pal = 1, psi = 11 }
dbot.ability.table["hammer"] = { mag = nil, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = 1, ran = nil, pal = nil, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["mace"] = { mag = nil, cle = 1, thi = 10, war = 5, ran = nil, pal = 6, psi = 5 }
dbot.ability.table["polearm"] = { mag = nil, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = 7, ran = 13, pal = 10, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["spear"] = { mag = 1, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = 10, ran = 11, pal = 11, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["sword"] = { mag = nil, cle = nil, thi = nil, war = 1, ran = 2, pal = 2, psi = nil }
dbot.ability.table["whip"] = { mag = 5, cle = 10, thi = 3, war = 9, ran = 18, pal = 1, psi = 1 }
dbot.ability.table["exotic"] = { mag = 1, cle = 1, thi = 1, war = 1, ran = 1, pal = 1, psi = 1 }
function dbot.ability.isAvailable(ability, level)
@ -21440,142 +21421,51 @@ function dbot.ability.isAvailable(ability, level)
if (ability == nil) or (ability == "") then
dbot.warn("dbot.ability.isAvailable: missing ability parameter")
return abilityIsAvailable, DRL_RET_INVALID_PARAM
end -- if
if (dbot.ability.table[ability] == nil) then
dbot.warn("dbot.ability.isAvailable: request to check unsupported ability \"" .. ability .. "\"")
return abilityIsAvailable, DRL_RET_UNSUPPORTED
end -- if
if (level == nil) or (tonumber(level) == nil) then
dbot.warn("dbot.ability.isAvailable: level parameter is not a number")
return abilityIsAvailable, DRL_RET_INVALID_PARAM
end -- if
level = tonumber(level)
local reqL evel = tonumber(level)
if (dbot.ability.isInProgress) then
dbot.info("Skipping check for skill or spell availability: another request is in progress")
return false, DRL_RET_BUSY
local base = gmcp("char.base")
if (base == nil) or (base.classes == nil) or (base.classes == "") then
dbot.error("dbot.ability.isAvailable: Failed to retrieve class information via gmcp")
return abilityIsAvailable, DRL_INTERNAL_ERROR
end -- if
local classList = base.classes
-- We are starting a new request
dbot.ability.isInProgress = true
-- If we already cached whether or not the user has the specified ability, use the cached value.
-- Otherwise, call "showskill" and pick out the level at which the ability is available.
if dbot.ability.isCached(ability, level) then
dbot.debug("Using cached ability useLevel = " .. dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel)
dbot.abilityPkg.ability = ability
dbot.abilityPkg.checkLevel = level
dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel = nil
-- Kick off the command that will trigger the level availability info
local resultData = dbot.callback.new()
local commandArray = {}
table.insert(commandArray, "showskill " .. ability)
table.insert(commandArray, "echo " .. dbot.ability.trigger.levelMsg)
retval = dbot.execute.safe.commands(commandArray, dbot.ability.setupFn, nil,
dbot.callback.default, resultData)
if (retval == DRL_RET_SUCCESS) then
-- Wait for the callback to confirm that the showskill safe command completed
retval = dbot.callback.wait(resultData, 10)
if (retval ~= DRL_RET_SUCCESS) then
dbot.note("Skipping ability \"showskill\" request: " .. dbot.retval.getString(retval))
end -- if
dbot.debug("Checking for \"" .. ability .. "\" @@ level " .. level .. ", classes = \"" .. base.classes .. "\"")
-- Wait for the trigger to find the info
local waitForHaveAbilityTimeout = 0
local waitForHaveAbilityThreshold = 10
while (dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel == nil) do
waitForHaveAbilityTimeout = waitForHaveAbilityTimeout + drlSpinnerPeriodDefault
if (waitForHaveAbilityTimeout > waitForHaveAbilityThreshold) then
dbot.error("dbot.ability.isAvailable: Failed to get level availability: timed out")
abilityIsAvailable = false
end -- if
end -- while
end -- if
-- For each class in the char's mort list, check if they have access to the skill
for classNum in classList:gmatch("%d") do
local className = dbot.ability.classes[classNum]
if (className == nil) then
dbot.error("dbot.ability.isAvailable: Detected invalid class number \"" .. (classNum or "nil") .. "\"")
return abilityIsAvailble, DRL_RET_INTERNAL_ERROR
end -- if
-- Check the level info we found
if (dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel ~= nil) and
(dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel + (10 * dbot.gmcp.getTier()) < = level) then
local classLevel = dbot.ability.table[ability][className]
if (classLevel ~= nil) and (reqLevel >= classLevel) then
dbot.debug("\"" .. ability .. "\" is available from class \"" .. className .. "\" @@ level " .. classLevel)
abilityIsAvailable = true
end -- if
end -- for
-- Clean up and return
dbot.ability.isInProgress = false
return abilityIsAvailable, retval
end -- dbot.ability.isAvailable
function dbot.ability.isCached(ability, level)
-- Check if we already checked for this ability at a previous level. If we are at a higher
-- level than before and we had the ability before, there is no need to check it again -- we
-- don't lose ability as we get higher level. We could generate a big table for each ability
-- but we probably will only use this for one skill (dual wield) so we simply cache just the
-- previous ability. We can extend this later if we want to. The worst case is that we do
-- some extra "showskill" requests.
if (dbot.abilityPkg.ability ~= nil) and (dbot.abilityPkg.ability == ability) and
(dbot.abilityPkg.checkLevel ~= nil) and (dbot.abilityPkg.checkLevel < = level) and
(dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel ~= nil) then
return true
return false
end -- if
end -- dbot.ability.isCached
function drlHaveAbilityStartTriggerFn(line)
if string.find(line, "is not a valid skill or spell") or string.find(line, "You cannot use this") then
dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel = 300 -- we can't use this
end -- if
-- Enable a trigger to watch for the output of the ability availability output. The trigger
-- will disable itself when it sees a fence message that indicates the output is done.
EnableTrigger(dbot.ability.trigger.levelName, true)
end -- drlHaveAbilityStartTriggerFn
dbot.ability.trigger.levelMsg = "DINV showskill fence"
function dbot.ability.trigger.levelFn(line)
local useLevel
_, _, useLevel = string.find(line, "Your Level%s+:%s+(%d+)")
-- If we our fence echo message, we know that the output is done and we can disable this trigger
if (line == dbot.ability.trigger.levelMsg) then
EnableTrigger(dbot.ability.trigger.levelName, false)
-- If we can't use the skill, set the useLevel out of reach
elseif string.find(line, "You cannot use this") then
dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel = 300
-- Check if we found our level in a line like: "Your Level : 22 Learned: 95% "
elseif (useLevel ~= nil) and (tonumber(useLevel) ~= nil) then
dbot.abilityPkg.useLevel = tonumber(useLevel) or 300
end -- if
end -- dbot.ability.trigger.levelFn
function dbot.ability.setupFn()
-- Add a trigger series that will pull out the level at which the character can use the ability
check (AddTriggerEx(dbot.ability.trigger.startName,
"^.*(" ..
"------------------------------------------------------|" ..
"is not a valid skill or spell" ..
drlTriggerFlagsBaseline + trigger_flag.OneShot + trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput,
0, "", "", sendto.script, 0))
end -- dbot.ability.setupFn
-- Module to track wishes