<!-- Plugin "Note_Write_Helper" generated by Plugin Wizard -->
purpose="Preformats long lines to break at 79 characters with respect to full words."
date_written="2015-08-16 08:56:28"
<pluginname="Note_Write_Helper"author="Arcidayne"id="291e6a78b7457b70ebf24375"language="Lua"purpose="Preformats long lines to break at 79 characters with respect to full words."save_state="y"date_written="2015-08-16 08:56:28"requires="4.00"version="2.0">
Instead of using the note formatter tool, or figuring out how long your line of text is, this plugin will do it for you!
nw <text> No indent character; takes a long line and formats linewraps it.
nwi <char><text> Same as above, except it takes an indent character.
nwi <char><text> Same as above, except it takes an indent character.
nnw <reply|new> Opens up an editor box so you can just type the whole note at once.
@ -41,55 +31,32 @@ returns
>This is a long line of text that would be formatted to break at 79 characters with
>respect to the word boundaries.
As a side note, in order to post blank lines, you will need to use @w for each blank line. I may or may not fix it in the future.