using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ProxyCore.Scripting; using ProxyCore; using ProxyCore.Output; namespace GMCPEcho { public class GMCPEcho : Plugin { public GMCPEcho() : base("gmcpecho", "GMCP Echo") { Author = "Duckbat"; Version = 1; Description = "Echos all GMCP specified by user back. This way you can see GMCP in clients that normally don't support it."; UpdateUrl = ""; Website = ""; Config = new GMCPEchoConfig(); RegisterTrigger("gmcp", @"^\$gmcp\.", GMCPTrigger); } private string[] AllowedModules; private bool GMCPTrigger(TriggerData t) { if(AllowedModules == null) AllowedModules = Config.GetString("GMCP.Modules", "gmcp.*").Split(new[] { ",", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string Module = t.Msg.Msg.Substring(1); if(Module.Contains(' ')) Module = Module.Substring(0, Module.IndexOf(' ')); if(HasModule(Module)) World.Instance.SendMessage(t.Msg.Msg, Config.GetUInt64("GMCP.AuthMask", ulong.MaxValue)); return false; } private bool HasModule(string Msg) { foreach(string x in AllowedModules) { if(x.EndsWith("*")) { if(Msg.StartsWith(x.Substring(0, x.Length - 1))) return true; continue; } if(x == Msg) return true; } return false; } } public class GMCPEchoConfig : ConfigFile { protected override void OnCreated() { base.OnCreated(); CreateSetting("GMCP.Modules", "gmcp.*", "Which GMCP modules would you like to echo to client. Separate with ',' sign and use '*' for wildcard but the wildcard can only be at the end not in the middle or start. For example \"gmcp.char.*,*\". Use \"gmcp.*\" to echo everything."); CreateSetting("GMCP.AuthMask", ulong.MaxValue, "Which client security levels see GMCP echo. This is a 64 bit mask. For example if you want security level 1 and 3 to see GMCP you would enter value 5 (1 + 4). These values are 2 ^ (level - 1), for example security level 3 mask: 2 ^ (3 - 1) = 4. Then you just add these up. Default (all levels): " + ulong.MaxValue); } } }