using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ProxyCore.Scripting; using ProxyCore.Input; using ProxyCore.Output; using ProxyCore; namespace GQPredict { public class GQPredict : Plugin { public GQPredict() : base("gqpredict", "Global Quest Predictor") { Author = "Duckbat"; Version = 1; Description = "Calculates the chance that the next global quest will be for you (or the level you specify). And shows the ranges that will occur and have already occured in a simple list sorted by range. Type gqpredict to see."; UpdateUrl = ""; Website = ""; RegisterCommand("gqpredict", @"(\d+)", Predict, 3); RegisterTrigger("ranges", @"^ \s*@w(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(Yes|No)$", Ranges); RegisterTrigger("start", "@CFrom Level To Level Already Run?", Start, TriggerFlags.NotRegex); RegisterTrigger("delimiter", "@W----------- --------- ------------", Delim, TriggerFlags.NotRegex); RegisterTrigger("level", @"^\$gmcp\.char\.status\.level (\d+)$", Level); } private int nt; private int forLevel = 1; private int charLevel = 1; private int count; private uint[] ClientMask; private int Listen = 0; private readonly SortedDictionary>> gqRanges = new SortedDictionary>>(); private bool Predict(InputData i) { Listen = 3; if(i.Arguments.Success) { if(!int.TryParse(i.Arguments.Groups[1].Value, out forLevel)) forLevel = charLevel; } else forLevel = charLevel; i.Command = "gq ranges"; ClientMask = i.ClientMask; return false; } private bool Ranges(TriggerData t) { if(Listen == 0) return false; int from; int to; if(!int.TryParse(t.Match.Groups[1].Value, out from) || !int.TryParse(t.Match.Groups[2].Value, out to)) return false; if(!gqRanges.ContainsKey(from)) gqRanges[from] = new SortedDictionary>(); if(!gqRanges[from].ContainsKey(to)) gqRanges[from][to] = new List(); gqRanges[from][to].Add(t.Match.Groups[3].Length == 3); if(t.Match.Groups[3].Length != 3) count++; if(to == 201) { nt++; if(nt == 3) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; int myGQ = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair>> x in gqRanges) { foreach(KeyValuePair> y in x.Value) { foreach(bool z in y.Value) { if(forLevel < x.Key || forLevel > y.Key || z) str.Append(z ? "@r" : "@g"); else { str.Append("@G"); myGQ++; } str.Append("(" + string.Format("{0,3}", x.Key) + " - " + string.Format("{0,3}", y.Key) + ") "); i++; if(i == 6) { World.Instance.SendMessage(str.ToString(), ClientMask); i = 0; str.Remove(0, str.Length); } } } } if(i > 0) World.Instance.SendMessage(str.ToString(), ClientMask); double chance = 0; if(count > 0 && myGQ > 0) chance = (double)myGQ / (double)count * 100.0; World.Instance.SendMessage("@wChance that the next global quest will be for " + (forLevel != charLevel ? ("level " + forLevel) : "your level") + " is @Y" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", chance).Replace(',', '.') + "%@w.", ClientMask); if(forLevel == charLevel) World.Instance.SendMessage("@wUse '@Wgqpredict @w' to see from the viewpoint of another level.", ClientMask); Listen = 0; } } return true; } private bool Level(TriggerData t) { int i; if(int.TryParse(t.Match.Groups[1].Value, out i)) charLevel = i; return false; } private bool Start(TriggerData t) { nt = 0; gqRanges.Clear(); count = 0; if(Listen > 0) { Listen--; return true; } return false; } private bool Delim(TriggerData t) { if(Listen > 0) { Listen--; return true; } return false; } } }