using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ProxyCore; using ProxyCore.Output; using ProxyCore.Scripting; namespace StayAlive { public class StayAlive : Plugin { public StayAlive() : base("stayalive", "Stay logged in") { Author = "Duckbat"; Version = 4; Description = "Automatically stays logged in."; UpdateUrl = ""; Website = ""; Config = new StayAliveConfig(); RegisterTrigger("", "What be thy name, adventurer?", TriggerUsername); RegisterTrigger("autologin.pass", "Existing profile loaded - please enter your password.", TriggerPassword); } public override void OnConnect() { base.OnConnect(); CanEnterUsername = 1; } private bool TriggerUsername(TriggerData t) { if(CanEnterUsername != 1) return false; string n = Config.GetString("AutoLogin.User", "").Trim(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)) { CanEnterUsername = 0; return false; } string p = Config.GetString("AutoLogin.Pass", "").Trim(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { CanEnterUsername = 0; return false; } CanEnterUsername = 2; World.Instance.Execute(n, false); return false; } private bool TriggerPassword(TriggerData t) { if(CanEnterUsername != 2) return false; string p = Config.GetString("AutoLogin.Pass", "").Trim(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { CanEnterUsername = 0; return false; } CanEnterUsername = 0; World.Instance.Execute(p, false); World.Instance.Execute("", false); return false; } private int CanEnterUsername = 0; public override void OnLoadedConfig(bool Success) { base.OnLoadedConfig(Success); string n = Config.GetString("StayAlive.Line", "@wYour eyes glaze over."); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)) return; RegisterTrigger("line", n, TriggerLine, TriggerFlags.NotRegex); } private bool TriggerLine(TriggerData t) { World.Instance.Execute(Config.GetString("StayAlive.Command", ""), false); return false; } } public class StayAliveConfig : ConfigFile { protected override void OnCreated() { base.OnCreated(); CreateSetting("StayAlive.Command", "", "What to send to MUD when we receive line about being idle. You can leave this blank to just send enter key."); CreateSetting("StayAlive.Line", "@wYour eyes glaze over.", "On what line do we send command? Default: \"@wYour eyes glaze over.\""); CreateSetting("AutoLogin.User", "", "User name to automatically log in with. Leave blank to disable this feature."); CreateSetting("AutoLogin.Pass", "", "Password to automatically log in with. Leave blank to disable this feature."); } } }