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aardwolf-lunk fee91265bd
Create WinkleWinkle_Search_Destroy_2.xml
8 years ago Create 8 years ago
WinkleWinkle_Search_Destroy_2.xml Create WinkleWinkle_Search_Destroy_2.xml 8 years ago


All credit goes to WinkleWinkle

ww help in game to list this help :


===== SHOW THIS HELP ===============>

search help - shows only this help ww help - all winklewinkle(tm) plugins show help

===== HUNT TRICK ===============>

ht citizen
- will hunt all citizens upwards from 1.citizen ht 3 citizen
- will hunt all citizens starting at 3.citizen ht abort
- will abort a currently running hunt trick script ht - Typing just this will hunt for the last mob you performed "ht" or "qw" for

ht find

  • try and hunt the last mob you "couldn't hunt for some reason" to confirm if it is in your current room or not

===== AUTO HUNT ================>

ah citizen
- will auto-hunt and move towards a mob until mob is found, you get in a fight, or you abort the auto-hunt ah 3.citizen
- will auto-hunt 3.citizen ah abort
- will abort a currently running auto hunt script

===== AWESOME KILL=================>

ak - Typing just this will attack the last mob you performed "ht" or "qw" for. No more typos in scans!

NOTE: If you want a custom kill action.. make an alias that will trigger on k * This will receive the ak's kill command

Quick Scan ===== QUICK SCAN ===============>

- Typing just this will scan for the last mob you performed "ht" or "qw" for

===== QUICK WHERE ==============>

qw lich
- This will return a room name and a speedwalk hyperlink to the room the lich is in (may have multiple rooms in list) qw
- Typing just this will "where" for the last mob you performed "ht" or "qw" for


===== SHOW THIS HELP =============>

extender help - shows only this help ww help - all winklewinkle(tm) plugins show help

===== RUNNING ====================>

xrunto [areaname] - Runs you via mapper goto/walkto to the first room you discovered in that area

xrt [areaname] - Same as "xrunto"

xset mark - Sets the current room you are in to be the "first" room of that area

xset speed - Toggles the use of mapper goto/walkto for all movement commands

xset speed <walk|run> - changes the use of mapper goto/walkto for all movement commands

xmapper move
- uses set movement speed to move to the specified room id

xmapper move <walk|run> - uses a temporary movement speed to move to the specified room id

===== SEARCHING ==================>

xm [roomname] - Lists and numbers rooms that match the [roomname] exactly, and then partial matches in the current area

xmall [roomname] - Lists and numbers rooms that match the [roomname] exactly, and then partial matches in all areas

===== ROOMS ======================>

go [index] - Will run you with mapper goto/walkto to the first room in a numbered room list

go - The same as typing "go 1"

nx - Will run you to the next numbered room, "go" then "nx" would be the same as typing "go 1" then "go 2"

===== CAMPAIGNS ==================>

xcp - Lists all active campaign mobs in a numbered list (see xcp [index])

xcp [index] - Area CP runs you to the area of that CP item and does a Quick-Where on your mob. Type "go [index]" after this to go to the first known room found (if any) - Room CP lists all known rooms that exactly match your CP room name. Type "go [index]" to run to the right room (if any).

===== NOTES ======================>

roomnote - Lists all mapper notes for the current room (if any).

roomnote area - Lists all mapper notes for the current area (if any). Useful for mazes

===== SETTINGS ======================>

xset pk - Toggles the display of PK flag in room searches

xset vidblain - Toggles a hack that will allow you to speedwalk to vidblain areas if you do not have a portal to use

xset reset gui

  • Will reset the X, Y and Z position of the Extender GUI

===== TO CREATE A CEXIT / MAP A PORTAL ==========>