displays this help
as * ---> sets attack spell to *
ae * ---> sets attack spell to *
as ---> displays attack spell
ae ---> displays area attack spell
cs * ---> casts attack spell on mob *
cs ---> casts attack spell
ce ---> casts area attack spell
ColourNote ("red", "blue", "Attack Spell : @attack_spell")
SetVariable ("attack_spell", "%1")
ColourNote ("red", "blue", "Attack Spell set to : %1")
c '@attack_spell'
c '@attack_spell' %1
SetVariable ("area_attack_spell", "%1")
ColourNote ("red", "blue", "Area Attack Spell set to : %1")
c '@area_attack_spell'
ColourNote ("red", "blue", "Area Attack Spell : @area_attack_spell")