KTracker is a new progress/stat tracker and reporting plugin for MUSHClient, specifically for Aardwolf Currently, this plugin is based on a pup tracker unwillingly provided by Endymion, and heavily modified to provide level tracking, gold tracking, pup tracking, quest tracking, etc. The current version requires that you have the following plugins installed: Bast: broadcast_cp.xml broadcast_double.xml broadcast_kills.xml broadcat_quest.xml These are available directly from bast's repository along with his other plugins. https://github.com/endavis/bastmush This plugin will show you your pup times. It will also show reports of total pups, avg time/pup, slowest pup, fastest pup, and interval averages. The slowest pup for each day is not used in averages, due to it likely being an extended period of time since the last pup. Command Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ kt color <@x> Set kt message color. - standard mud colorcodes kt numcolor <@x> Set numbers color. - standard mud colorcodes kt accentcolor <@x> Set brackets color. - standard mud colorcodes kt comm Toggles commlog kt output. kt chan Sets the output channel for each pup. - No argument disables channel output. kt window Toggles window kt output. kt avg <#> Total for rolling average pup time. kt avg 0 Turns off display of average pup time. kt display Toggle kt display between new and old style. kt help Shows this message. kt days Shows the current number of days to keep daily pups. kt days <#> Set the number of days to keep daily kt totals. Default 180. kt rep[ort] <#> Show kt report for # of days. grep[ort] Show today's gold report. Channel optional. igrep[ort] Show gold report since last clear. Channel optional. igrep[ort] clear Clear out the interval gold report data. kt info Displays the options stored as variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------