Bradley W. Kramer 5 years ago
parent dc78220122
commit 310ff9296f

@ -510,143 +510,45 @@ function validate_percent(input)
function right_click_menu ()
return false
-- menustring ="!Change Font|>Show Players|"..((show_self==1 and "+") or "").."Include Self|All Others|No Others|-|"
-- local member_count = 0
-- local member_names = {}
-- if full_group_data and full_group_data.members and char_data and then
-- for i,v in ipairs(full_group_data.members) do
-- if ~= then
-- menustring = menustring..(((hidden_members[] == nil) and "+") or "")"|"
-- member_count = member_count + 1
-- table.insert(member_names,
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- menustring = menustring.."<|-|>Configure Colors|>Health|Main|Border|<|>Mana|Main|Border|<|>Moves|Main|Border|<|>Align|Evil|Good|<|<|>Show Info|"..((show_hp==1 and "+") or "").."Health|"..((show_mn==1 and "+") or "").."Mana|"..((show_mv==1 and "+") or "").."Moves|<|"..((flat_gauges==1 and "+") or "").."Use Flat Gauges|"..((overlay_numbers==1 and "+") or "").."Overlay Numbers|>HP Thresholds|>First|"..(((thresh1active == 1) and "+") or "").."Activate|Set Percent ("..thresh1percent.."%)|Set Color ("..RGBColourToName(thresh1color)..")|<|>Second|"..(((thresh2active == 1) and "+") or "").."Activate|Set Percent ("..thresh2percent.."%)|Set Color ("..RGBColourToName(thresh2color)..")|<|<|-|Bring To Front|Send To Back|-|Reset Defaults"
-- result = WindowMenu (win,
-- WindowInfo (win, 14), -- x position
-- WindowInfo (win, 15), -- y position
-- menustring) -- content
-- if result ~= "" then
-- numResult = tonumber(result)
-- if numResult == 1 then
-- -- change font
-- wanted_font = utils.fontpicker (font_name, font_size) --font dialog
-- if wanted_font then
-- font_name =
-- font_size = wanted_font.size
-- end
-- elseif numResult == 2 then
-- -- show/hide self
-- show_self = (((show_self == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- if (show_self == 0) then
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will no longer see your own status in the group monitor.")
-- else
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will now see your own status in the group monitor.")
-- end
-- elseif numResult == 3 then
-- -- remove all from the hidden list
-- hidden_members = {}
-- elseif numResult == 4 then
-- -- add all to the hidden list
-- hideAllMembers()
-- elseif numResult >= 5 and numResult <= member_count+4 then
-- -- add/remove members in the hidden list
-- local adjustedNumResult = numResult - 4
-- hidden_members[member_names[adjustedNumResult]] = (((hidden_members[member_names[adjustedNumResult]]== nil) and true) or nil)
-- elseif numResult >= member_count+5 and numResult <= member_count+12 then
-- -- change color settings
-- local adjustedNumResult = numResult-member_count-4
-- local colourIndex = 2
-- if (adjustedNumResult % 2 == 1) then
-- colourIndex = 1
-- end
-- local newcolour = PickColour (colorVals[barIndex[math.ceil(adjustedNumResult/2)]][colourIndex])
-- if newcolour ~= -1 then
-- colorVals[barIndex[math.ceil(adjustedNumResult/2)]][colourIndex] = newcolour
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+13 then
-- -- show/hide HP info
-- show_hp = (((show_hp == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- if (show_hp == 0) then
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will no longer see HP info in the group monitor.")
-- else
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will now see HP info in the group monitor.")
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+14 then
-- -- show/hide MANA info
-- show_mn = (((show_mn == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- if (show_mn == 0) then
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will no longer see MN info in the group monitor.")
-- else
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will now see MN info in the group monitor.")
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+15 then
-- -- show/hide MOVES info
-- show_mv = (((show_mv == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- if (show_mv == 0) then
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will no longer see MV info in the group monitor.")
-- else
-- ColourNote("yellow", "", "You will now see MV info in the group monitor.")
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+16 then
-- -- use flat/shaded gauges
-- flat_gauges = (((flat_gauges == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+17 then
-- -- toggle overlay numbers on top of gauges
-- overlay_numbers = (((overlay_numbers == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+18 then
-- thresh1active = (((thresh1active == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+19 then
-- local perc = utils.inputbox( "I want the HP bars to change color when they drop below this percent...\n(enter a whole number between 1 and 100)", "Group Monitor HP Threshold #1", thresh1percent, nil, nil, {validate=validate_percent})
-- if perc then
-- if string.sub(perc, -1) == "%" then
-- perc = string.sub(perc, 1,-2)
-- end
-- thresh1percent = tonumber(perc)
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+20 then
-- local newColor = PickColour (thresh1color)
-- if newcolor ~= -1 then
-- thresh1color = newColor
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+21 then
-- thresh2active = (((thresh2active == 0) and 1) or 0)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+22 then
-- local perc = utils.inputbox( "I want the HP bars to change color when they drop below this percent...\n(enter a whole number between 1 and 100)", "Group Monitor HP Threshold #2", thresh2percent, nil, nil, {validate=validate_percent})
-- if perc then
-- if string.sub(perc, -1) == "%" then
-- perc = string.sub(perc, 1,-2)
-- end
-- thresh2percent = tonumber(perc)
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+23 then
-- local newColor = PickColour (thresh2color)
-- if newcolor ~= -1 then
-- thresh2color = newColor
-- end
-- elseif numResult == member_count+24 then
-- -- bring to front
-- CallPlugin("462b665ecb569efbf261422f","boostMe", win)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+25 then
-- -- send to back
-- CallPlugin("462b665ecb569efbf261422f","dropMe", win)
-- elseif numResult == member_count+26 then
-- -- reset
-- font_name = default_font_name
-- font_size = default_font_size
-- height = default_height
-- width = default_width
-- show_coords = 0
-- end -- if
-- RemoveMembersFromGroupDisplay()
-- -- save and reload
-- SaveState()
-- OnPluginInstall()
-- end
-- return false
menustring =""
local member_count = 0
menustring ="!Change Font|-|Bring To Front|Send To Back|-|Reset Defaults"
result = WindowMenu (win,
WindowInfo (win, 14), -- x position
WindowInfo (win, 15), -- y position
menustring) -- content
if result ~= "" then
numResult = tonumber(result)
if numResult == 1 then
-- change font
wanted_font = utils.fontpicker (font_name, font_size) --font dialog
if wanted_font then
font_name =
font_size = wanted_font.size
elseif numResult == 2 then
-- bring to front
CallPlugin("462b665ecb569efbf261422f","boostMe", win)
elseif numResult == 3 then
-- send to back
CallPlugin("462b665ecb569efbf261422f","dropMe", win)
elseif numResult == 4 then
-- reset
font_name = default_font_name
font_size = default_font_size
height = default_height
width = default_width
show_coords = 0
end -- if
-- save and reload
end -- right_click_menu
invitations = {}
