This prevents you from bidding 35,000,000 when you mean to bid 3,500,000. This is accomplished by entering the following: safe bid 123 3.5m which will then send 'bid 123 3500000' aucutils update -- This will update the plugin if there are new versions available. Any questions, send a tell or personal note to Arcidayne! ]]> EnableTrigger("BuyoutLink", false) EnableTrigger("CurrentBid", false) for i,v in pairs(TriggerStyleRuns) do if v.text == "%1" then Hyperlink("lbid %1", "%1", "", "white", "", 0) else ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end end Note ("") marketbidn, bop = nil, nil marketbidn = "%1" EnableTrigger("BuyoutLink", true) EnableTrigger("CurrentBid", true) local bida = "bid" if "%1" == "Market" then bida = "lbid" elseif "%1" == "Remort Auction" then bida = "rbid" end for i,v in pairs(TriggerStyleRuns) do if v.text == "%2" then Hyperlink(bida .. " %2", "%2", "", "yellow", "", 0) else ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end end Note ("") for i,v in pairs(TriggerStyleRuns) do if v.text == "%1" then Hyperlink("bid %1", "%1", "", "red", "", 0) else ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end end Note ("") function get_date(days, hours, minutes, seconds) daysec = days*86400 hoursec = hours*3600 minsec = minutes*60 totalsecs = daysec+hoursec+minsec+seconds return'(%H:%M %b %d)', os.time()+totalsecs) end local aucd, auch, aucm, aucs = 0, 0, tonumber("%4"), tonumber("%5") if "%2" ~= "" then aucd = tonumber("%2") end if "%3" ~= "" then auch = tonumber("%3") end local date_end = get_date(aucd, auch, aucm, aucs) ColourNote("white", "", "%1 ", "cyan", "", date_end, "white", "", string.rep(" ", string.len("%6")-string.len(date_end)-1) .. "|") local bop = string.gsub("%1", ",", "") local hlink = "lbid " .. marketbidn .. " " .. bop for i,v in pairs(TriggerStyleRuns) do if v.text:gsub(" ", "") == "%1" then Hyperlink(hlink, "%1", "", "yellow", "", 0) ColourTell("", "", string.rep(" ", v.text:len() - string.len("%1"))) else ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end end Note ("") local amount = tonumber("%2") if "%3" == "k" or "%3" == "K" then amount = amount * 1000 end if "%3" == "m" or "%3" == "M" then amount = amount * 1000000 end if "%3" == "b" or "%3" == "B" then amount = amount * 1000000000 end Send("%1 " .. amount .. "%4")