<!-- Plugin "Aardwolf_Clock" generated by Plugin Wizard -->
<!-- Plugin "Aardwolf_Clock" generated by Plugin Wizard -->
<pluginname="Aardwolf_Clock"author="Crowley, with help from Fiendish"id="28a36788fa20aa062e760ee2"language="Lua"purpose="Displays a realtime clock based on Aardwolf game time"save_state="y"date_written="2018-05-15 11:43:22"requires="4.90"version="2.6">
<pluginname="Aardwolf_Clock"author="Crowley, with help from Fiendish"id="28a36788fa20aa062e760ee2"language="Lua"purpose="Displays a realtime clock based on Aardwolf game time"save_state="y"date_written="2018-05-15 11:43:22"requires="4.90"version="2.7">
WindowText(win, font, dTime, center(dTime), y, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB(textColour))
WindowText(win, font, (dTime or ""), center((dTime or "")), y, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB(textColour))
y = y + font_height
y = y + font_height
WindowText(win, font, string.format("[ Day %d of %d ]", footer_text.Day, footer_text.Cycle), center(string.format("[ Day %d of %d ]", footer_text.Day, footer_text.Cycle)), y, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB(textColour))
WindowText(win, font, string.format("[ Day %d of %d ]", footer_text.Day, footer_text.Cycle), center(string.format("[ Day %d of %d ]", footer_text.Day, footer_text.Cycle)), y, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB(textColour))